
Application number : 200122766

Class : 1

List of Products and Services :

Chemical fertilizers

Country of Coverage : Thailand

Price: starting at 50,000 Baht


Trademark Details

Application No. :


Registration No. :


Filing date:


Expiration Date:


Trademark Type:

Trademark/ Service




List of Products and Services :

Chemical fertilizers


*The aforementioned trademark information is provided as a mere reference based on the database of the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) and the Madrid system.

Trademark Details

Application No. :


Registration No. :


Filing date:


Expiration Date:


Trademark Type:

Trademark/ Service




List of Products and Services :

Chemical fertilizers


*The aforementioned trademark information is provided as a mere reference based on the database of the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) and the Madrid system.

Transfer Process

1. Choose a logo that attracts your attention
At Litetrademark, we are delighted to offer guidance on the trademark of your choice, and the service to investigate trademark information to determine whether or not infringement has been detected.

2. Sign the contract
Litetrademark will prepare the transfer contract and other necessary documentation once the accuracy of the trademark information has been confirmed. The details of trademark information will be included in the contract, and the contract will be enforceable on both parties.

3. Submit a trademark transfer application
After signing the documents and receiving all the documents, Litetrademark will submit the transfer documents to the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) for you.

4. Issue a certificate of trademark registration
After the Department of Intellectual Property has received the transfer documents, the registrar will require roughly 4-5 months for consideration before issuing a certificate of registration on behalf of the transferee


Our Commitment

    Verify trademark transfer certificate before trading.

    Check and follow up on the trademark transfer process.

    Regular updates regarding trademark transfer are provided, as well as delivering you a trademark certificate in person.

  You are always welcome to request a consultation with our IP specialists.

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